Who We Are

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We are Ellington Youth Services (EYS) an Ellington town department.

We serve the children -- and the ones that serve children — with in-school and after-school programs and support services.

Our trained and flexible staff are responsible for reaching all members of the community with their belief in #EYSCares: the modern, abbreviated, and publicized version of Ellington Youth Services’ mission. Each employee at EYS cares about our children’s chance to thrive.

Every individual child is given the ability to thrive when we care for their diverse needs, pay attention to their development, and enrich their environment. The needs we want met for a child are mental just as much physical. Our approach is to see a child’s behavior as a means to communicate how they’re feeling.

Our programs and services provide children with the tools to face a range of social and emotional experiences that are normal to feel in today’s ever changing world. The development we want to promote in a child is that of decision-making skills, self-expression, and compassion for others.

The environment we want a child to have is a safe one. When we use the word safe, we are referring to the experience, the space, the people, etc. that allow the child to live through messy emotions and difficult situations.

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31 Arbor Way, P.O. Box 187

Ellington, CT 06029



Monday 8:00am-6:30pm

Tuesday - Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm




(860) 870-3130





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