Youth Services
Ellington Youth Services has been in existence for over 20 years.
Our mission is to provide programs and services that help Ellington youth connect to their families, schools, peers and community.
5 Basic Areas of Youth Positive Development:
Emotional and Physical Safety - meeting basic needs, building trust & respect.
Caring Relationships - with at least one adult & meaningful with peers.
Youth Participation - opportunities for youth to have a voice, choices, leadership, decisions making, and sense of belonging.
Community Involvement - opportunities for youth to connect & impact their community in meaningful ways.
Skill Building - area of cognitive, social, vocational, civic, physical, creative and cultural.
Through education and guidance, our prevention and intervention efforts inform the community of tough topics (substance misuse, relationship issues, suicide, etc.) while applying the strategic prevention framework.
Community Connections:
In addition to the services EYS offers, we are able to connect youth and their families to other resources within the community to match their needs.